I came across the word “hygge while scrolling through Pinterest recently and I’ve totally fallen in love with it and what it stands for.  I have a thing for learning new words and I’ve often come across words with no single meaning or direct translation into English and this is one of those words for sure...  Hygge is a Danish word, pronounced "hoo-ga" and is roughly translated into English as warm and cosy.    It may be hard word for people outside of Denmark to pronounce but that hasn't stopped us from finding out that hygge may be a recipe for a happier life..The word has become so well known and so well used that the Oxford Dictionary even short listed it as one of their Words of the Year in 2016!!

So I’ve been doing my due diligence and “googling” to learn a little more about hygge.  From what I can gather hygge is more of a feeling than anything and in Denmark it’s more like an entire attitude or a philosophy on life that has helped Denmark to become one of the world's happiest countries. 

Hygge is all about enjoying the simple, cosy things in life and the company of family and friends.  The key ingredients of hygge are togetherness, presence, indulgence, relaxation, and comfort.  Hygge is basically like a hug without the physical contact. What it comes down to is making the most of little, daily pleasures, especially when it's dark and cold outside.  This feeling of well being is something we’ve all felt before and now that its getting colder outside it’s something we can all enjoy more and more of every single day.


The first step to filling your life with hygge is to create a warm and cosy atmosphere at home.  What do you imagine when you think about feeling warm and cosy?  I imagine snuggling up under a fluffy throw in my pj’s and woolly socks while warming my toes in front of an open fire with a big mug of coffee and some homemade biscuits in my hand.  That’s hygge!!

It’s the warmth, the smells, the touch, the chilled out vibes…  

Cosiness is all about candle light and fairy lights.  There’s nothing like a big bright light to bring down an atmosphere.  Its clinical and cold and we want the complete opposite. Think of how you feel sitting in front of the Christmas tree…  The fairy lights are twinkling on the tree and there is a delicious smell of cinnamon and warm spices wafting from the kitchen.  That’s hygge!! 

I remember my Mam used to spend every Saturday baking breads, scones, cakes and pastries when we were small.  I can still remember the amazing smell that filled the house. That’s hygge!!

Sitting around the dinner table and enjoying a meal together as a family.  That’s hygge!!  Tucking into a homemade casserole straight from the oven with the family is one of life's great simple pleasures.

The feeling of pure joy you get when you take the first bite of cake.  That’s hygge!!  Hygge is all about indulging in the good things in life, the things that make us truly happy which often means eating cake.  You see, it's all about balance and living a good, healthy life without depriving yourself of the simple pleasures. 

The warm fussy feeling you get inside when you hear your kids playing in the room next door.  That’s hygge!!

Relaxing in a hot bath, curling up with a good book, listening to your favourite album, Netflix and chill with a loved one.  That’s hygge!!


Hygge doesn’t only happen at home…  Hygge is about human connections and enjoying experiences together no matter where you are.

Wrapping up warm with a big woolly hat, gloves and some waterproofs and getting out for a walk in nature with family and friends, no matter what the weather.  That’s hygge!!  Stop off on the way home for a hot drink.  It doesn’t matter if it’s water, coffee or hot whiskey the important thing is to leave your phone in the car.  Hygge is all about embracing these experiences fully and living in the moment, which is difficult to do when you’re staring at a phone. So put down the phone and just enjoy the feeling.

Family traditions are pure hygge.  Any meaningful activity that unites a group of people will knit everyone more tightly together over the years.  I have great memories of Christmas as a child.  These memories don’t come from the presents I received but from the family traditions that were carried out every single year.  I remember the family going to see Santa on Christmas Eve.  I remember the excitement going home to put our new pyjamas on and enjoying our ham sandwiches in front of the fire.  These are traditions that we have all carried on with our own kids and that’s hygge!!  Why not think of new traditions to start with your family and friends that you can carry on year on year that will bring you all closer together.  

We all know that having a good time with the people we love makes us happy. Unfortunately, with our busy lifestyles we are doing less and less of this.  When was the last time you sat around a table with a group of your friends? Laughing, joking and drinking tea.  This is hygge!!    


Hygge and gratitude go hand in hand. The hygge way of life is all about feeling thankful for the simple things in life.  Research shows that people who feel grateful are not only happier but they are more helpful and forgiving and less materialistic too.  I always find that it’s the simplest things in life that bring the most pleasure.  Meeting Ethan for coffee.  Walking on the beach with Liam and Lenny.  Watching a good movie.

I’d love your feedback and suggestions…  How do you get the “hygge” feeling at home and with family and friends?

Wishing you a great day :)


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