Storm Ophelia Falafels

Storm Ophelia has hit ☁⛈ and I'm home alone.

I have to say that a forced lazy day is very welcome.  It's nice to just kick back and relax without feeling like you have to be running anywhere or doing anything. 

As nice as it is I'm bored stiff.  I've already watched two movies and the kitchen is calling me non stop.  I know I'm not hungry, it's just boredom.  So, I've decided that I will kill a bit of time and satisfy my belly and do some cooking... 

Lets hope the power doesn't go???

Since going meat free I've fallen in love with falafels... 

I have to admit that a few months ago I had absolutely no idea what they really were...  I remember finding a falafel stall at Electric picnic a few years ago.  Myself, Mags and Paul were there for the weekend and we had them for dinner every day.  They were absolutely delicious and totally satisfying.  I thought the wrap itself was the falafel.  I didn't know the falafel was the crispy hidden treasure inside and I was too embarrassed to ask and too embarrassed to admit it since 😅

So now that I'm more educated in all things falafel I've been on the search for them in every supermarket and have found that Aldi's beetroot falafels are probably the best.

At the end of the day nothing beats the ones you make yourself though.  I like to know exactly what I'm eating and considering that they are so easy to make there is no excuse not to give them a go.

I've tried a few different recipes but this simple one is probably my favourite.


1 tin chickpeas drained and rinsed *
3 cloves garlic
big handful of fresh parsley
1 red onion diced
20g oats
3 tbsp falafel seasoning **
Salt and pepper

*  Hold back some of the water from the chickpeas.  I don't like to add oil so I use the water if I need a little more liquid in the mix.
** I got a packet of falafel seasoning in spice world on the quay and find it really good.  You can make your own by adding cumin, coriander, and cayenne pepper.


Throw all the ingredients into the food processor and blitz until smooth

You may need to scrape down the sides a few times
Add some of the liquid from the chickpeas as needed
Place the mixture in the fridge to firm up for 30 minutes
Heat the oven to 180
Line a tray with some greased baking paper

Form into 9 balls and place on the tray
Bake for 20-30 minutes

Try them in a wrap or a pitta pocket with some hummus and veggies. 

They're also great with some roasted veggies

I had them with some salad and some homemade basil hummus today.  Not really storm food but totally delicious none the less 😁

Right I'm off for more foooooooddddd!!!!!

Stay safe everyone x



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