I love doing jigsaws!!  

Is anyone with me???

I used to do them all the time and my love for them was rekindled recently when I spotted that Liam's sister Anna Marie had a half finished 1000 piece puzzle on her dining room table.  I bagsied getting it when she was finished and so the love affair restarted just where we had left off.

I love the fact that you have a lot of time to think when you're doing a jigsaw.  There's no background noise, no distractions, just you, the puzzle and your thoughts...

Some people would run a million miles from this but for me its like therapy.

Whilst doing this puzzle I was thinking a lot about how you could easily relate piecing it all together to making lifestyle changes.

Opening the box and being faced with 1000 tiny pieces can be a bit overwhelming.  You know what you need to do but there are so many pieces to put together that you just don't know where to start.


You have the picture on the box to guide you, something to work towards.  Without having this  picture the puzzle would be near impossible to finish...   

This is like your well life vision.  It's the image you have in your head of the best, healthiest, happiest version of you possible.  You most likely know what you need to do and what you need to change to get there.  Maybe you need to eat healthier, exercise more, stress less, get out in nature more, sleep more, work less, spend more time with your family....  

Knowing what needs to be done is the first step because if you don't know where you want to get to you can't possibly know how to get there.

This beautiful picture of the best version of you, calm, happy, fit and healthy becomes your motivation.

Motivation on its own is absolutely useless however, it just won't get the job done.  What's more important than motivation is discipline and taking action.  You'd never put all the pieces on the table and expect the puzzle to build itself would you?  You wouldn't expect to finish the puzzle if you did a bit today and none tomorrow or if you added ten pieces at breakfast time and took away 20 pieces at dinner time...  You'd never make progress.


You need to realise that you won't see results overnight but with discipline and consistent daily action you will soon start to see changes and you'll slowly start to see the picture taking shape. 

As kids we learn that we never jump head first into the middle of the puzzle!  That would make it so much more difficult.  We always start with the part of the puzzle we are totally sure of.

So the first thing we do is separate the corner pieces and build the outline.

I think this is why lot's of people fail at making lasting lifestyle change.  They get all fired up and think they are ready to change and they jump right into the deep end head first and try to change everything all at once.  

This is not sustainable.


 The best way to lasting change is to start with something small.  A small, short term goal, something you know you can complete.  This is why we always start with the outline of the jigsaw.  This small triumph builds our confidence and helps us to build momentum so that we can carry on to bigger triumphs and bigger goals.

When we start to see the picture taking shape it drives us on.

We take it slowly, section by section.  When we reach one goal we set a new one and start working towards it making small changes every single day. 

It won't always run smoothly.  Some days we will feel like we're making no progress at all but it's vital that we don't quit.  The piece we are looking for is there on the table in front of us, we just have to be patient and keep searching for it.

Then one day you find that you have only one piece left!!!  You never thought you'd get there but you did.  The picture is complete 😀

The feeling of pure joy you get when you reach your goal is indescribable!!!  It may be a goal weight, a 3K run, a 60kg deadlift, a triathlon, an ironman...  It doesn't matter how big or small the goal is it's the fact that you did it.

You stand back and admire your work and feel proud and accomplished.

I'd love your feedback...
What big goals do you have?
How can you break them down into smaller achievable goals?
What big goals have you achieved in the past that you can draw inspiration from?

Whatever your goals may be, I wish you every success with them and let me know if I can help in any way 😊

Good luck 🍀


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